Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hmmm... who am I thankful for?

It might just surprise you how many people other than your family and close friends you are really thankful for. In our class, there are several people I'm thankful for.

Indigoe Timms- Also known as "E" in our class is definitely someone I'm thankful for. This is the second year in a row I've had an English class with her and I can already tell it is going to be another good year. I love the fact she sits right in front of me making it very easy to communicate with her in class when I need to[and when I don't :-)]. She's super fun to be around and American Lit just wouldn't be any fun without her.

Natalia Kata- I know we only met this year, but I'm glad that we did. You are extremely funny and I love the comments you make during group work time when you and Joanne come sit against the window :-) I definitely wish you sat closer to me in American Lit and Chem, but then again I feel like we would get separated for talking and laughing to much in our little area, and then that would suck. Anyway, I looking forward to knowing you better during the year!!!

Joanne Bryja- OMG Are you talking about the super cool girl I definitely had Biology with last year? YEH!! It's guaranteed that anytime I'm around you, I'm going to be laughing. I love how sometimes we get so off topic in American Lit. And I love you for the time you were playing with the little fringe things on my boots and I could not even finish whatever I was writing from laughing. Anyway I really hope that we become closer this year! :-)

Thomas Pietryla-What happened to my cookies that I thought I convinced you to bring me? :-) I only met him this year, but I have almost every class with him so we have ample amount of talking time. If it wasn't for Tom, I would be really bored in so many classes, especially World Studies which he is so AWESOME at!!! I mean every quiz we have, he does well. Soon enough, I'm going to need him to tutor me. :-) Anyway, We always have good conversations especially in Pre-Calc. I feel like we are never paying attention in that class because we are always talking or looking at the clock. :-) Anyway I'm really thankful that I know him and I'm looking forward to classes the rest of the year.

1 comment:

  1. awwww Morgan thanks! Ya know we got each other's back. I'm honored by your kind words of kindness :). Your cookies will be there soon, before winter break!
