Thursday, January 20, 2011

To Be Young, Gifted and Black

The story that I picked for my first Reader's Response is To Be Young, Black and Gifted by Lorraine Hansberry. Hansberry was raised on the south side of Chicago, exactly where I am being raised today. In the excerpt that I read, she talks about a few things that she experienced growing up. One thing she says is "We were the products of the proudest and most mistreated of the races of man". My question is are we still the most mistreated and are we African American still proud to be who we are?
As far as mistreatment and racism goes, it definitely still exists. The different cases may not be as extreme as they once were but that doesn't mean they are gone. For example; sometimes when my family goes to the store, the employees might watch us or ask us unnecessary questions about credit, or ask for phone numbers when they didn't ask any other customer that wasn't black. Both of these instances were subtle, but that doesn't mean they aren't there.
Are African Americans still proud to be who they are today? Well I am definitely proud to be African American. I wouldn't have it any other way. But sometimes I think there are instances of self hate which is why we have problems in African American communities. Instead of focusing on yourself and trying to better yourself, you look at another African American person and instantly dislike them because of what they are trying to achieve and how well they are doing. We just aren't as proud as we once were.

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