Thursday, January 20, 2011

Is King still King?

Is King still King? Or has King day just become another day we don't have school? Honestly, it seems like its just another day off. I mean think about it; when teachers say, "Oh, no school Monday because it's Dr. King day", do we really say, "Yes!! A day off where I can go learn about Dr. King!". No it's more like, "Yes!! That means there is going to be a party Sunday and I have an extra day to chill or do all the work that I haven't done for the past three weeks". Of course his ideas are extremely important because he helped shape society into the way it is now. However very few people nowadays seem to really appreciate all that he did for us.
Dr. King protested against segregation laws and racism throughout America. He shaped the way for people like President Obama to be where they are today. So why do we just see his day as a day off from school? One reason is probably because people think because Dr. King did what he did, everything is all good. We can just do what we want now and maybe think about his ideals when Dr. King day rolls around. But really, if we don't watch it, history will repeat itself. Someone else is eventually going to have to step up and protest for other things, or else, our generations are just going to keep getting worse. And when things keep getting worse, then what are we going to do?

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