Friday, October 29, 2010

Where a kid CAN"T always be a kid

In society today, kids are free to laugh and play when they are younger and as they get older, they gradually become more independent and responsible and really think about what is right and what is wrong. But what if you lived in a Puritan society? Things for you as a child would be completely different.
Think about when you were younger. You probably spent your time playing with toys and running around the back yard pretending to be a superhero. But if you were a Puritan child, and you were caught playing, you were a sinner. Puritans saw playing games as a sinful distraction. They expected children to know the difference between right and wrong. They basically treated children as little adults. Children weren't allowed to show the slightest bit of emotion either. Happy, sad, angry, NONE of it was allowed. If anyone did catch you showing emotion, you were severely punished.
Some of the punishments for children were much harsher than we can imagine. Those punishments included the whipping post and sometimes being burned or just maybe killed.
In today's society I think that Puritans still influence us but the rules and punishments aren't as harsh as they used to be. For example kids back then for talking in class might be whipped. Today, the teacher may give you a look or just tell you to be quiet. Talking in class still isn't allowed, but the way the situation is totally different.


  1. That's a sound child-hood, womp :(

  2. That's really sad... ;( I wonder if there are still people that lives like that today? It feels like it goes against nature's rule for not allowing kids to play...
