Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Moment I knew I was an American

The moment I knew I was an American was probably in the seventh grade when I can really remember celebrating our country's independence with my family.
When it comes to the 4th of July, everyone gets excited. School is out. The weather is nice and its now time for fireworks and spending time with family. During this time, I think about how lucky I am to live in America. America is a country that allows you to believe what you want. One example is religion. In some other countries, conflicts over religion still exist today. But in America there are so many different religions and for the most part, people allow other people to have their own beliefs without a problem. Another example is in politics. Our system of democracy allows people to decide who they want to govern them. Even though I cannot vote for a few more years, I definitely plan to exercise this right because I know that many other people don't have this kind of right and I should take advantage of it.
Being an American means being a part of very diverse country. There are so many different races of people in America that it's pretty difficult to find out every one of them.
In America we have more luxuries than some other countries. I'm glad to be living here because I feel that America is one of the best places in the world to be living.


  1. I truely agree with your idea of our wonderful country but i think that our country's negative side is too overlooked sometimes. But me love your thoughts :)

  2. The 4th of July is really a liberty-filled day and you blog helped me realize how we are a unique people, together but with seperate lifestyles.

  3. I think your idea of an American is great. The freedom and family-time and luxuries we get here in the States is what makes us feel safe and sound in our country. I like the way you described your moment of American-ness because I can relate to it.
