Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

If i was sitting in church listening to this sermon, I would probably have many different thoughts going through my head. The way this particular preacher is describing God, makes it seem like he hates us all and is just waiting for us to mess up so he can punish us. In the beginning of the excerpt, the preacher is saying that what God can show us is only being held because he takes pleasure in that. However, all he has to do is let go of that power and the hate he has against us and its over. In another part of the sermon, he says that God is holding us over the fires of hell as if he is just waiting to throw us into the fire and watch us burn. He says that God feels like we are worth nothing and should be thrown into the fire.
My opinions about God would probably differ from this preacher, however at the time, if you went against what the church said, there were serious punishments. At the time, I don't think I would have believed that God was out to get us. If he really hated us that much, I don't think he would have created us. Normally if you hate something, you aren't going to want to deal with it.
I think what the preacher is saying doesn't really make any sense. But again because of the time period where you had to agree with the church, no one would know that.

1 comment:

  1. The man was crazy. I mean, at least in my opinion. I would disagree with him too but keep it to myself so I wouldn't have to die. :)
