Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Propaganda 2011

Propaganda is information or rumors spread to either help or harm has been used for years to change the opinions of people or at least have them leaning toward one particular thing over another. For example, during World War I, many countries used posters as a way to get men to join the army. They would have catchy slogans that made war seem like the best thing in the world. If you were not fighting in the war, then you were just wasting your life away when you could be helping out your country. They came up with posters that appealed to women to make them feel like sending their husband out to fight was okay and they should be happy that their husbands were serving their country.
I think in 2011, propaganda still exists especially in politics. Politicians will give a bad image to voters about their opponents to make themselves look good. This has been going on however since before 2011. Think back to the last presidential election. There were countless numbers of comics and posters portraying President Obama as a monkey or some other animal. Many people were told that President Obama was born in Kenya and there was absolutely no way that he could be running for president in the first place. People actually thought they had copies of his birth certificate which said that he was born in Kenya. Commercials were twisted so that everything he said was negative in one way or another.
Another example of propaganda is however in 2011. The Army commercials. You see them all the time on television. They always talk about the things the army can do for you and talk about how you can become "Army Strong". What they don't exactly tell you is what happens after you finish training, serve your time and come home. Why is it that so many of our veterans can not find jobs and our even homeless on the street after everything they have done for us. Really, they need soldiers so they are tricking people and not necessarily giving them the benefits of becoming a soldier.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Rap Today...Has it Changed?

Rap music is a very popular in today's society. However, it very different from how it used to be. I mean, we listen to people like Drake, Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj. Some of their lyrics make you say "Wow! I can't believe they came up with something like that." Rappers today are very creative indeed, however, to be creative, it seems like you always have to talk about something vulgar. You can't just have a clean rap song. Now, don't get me wrong. I like all of the above artists. Just what we hear today is nothing like what it used to be.
Why is it like that now? I think one reason is, rappers feel like they aren't saying things that appeals to kids, their music isn't going to sell. For example, the song Successful, Drake featuring Lil Wayne and Trey Songz started out at number 81 on the Billboard Hot 100. Only a few weeks later it moved to number 17 on the list. Why is that? Well in the song, he says he wants to be successful and that he wants the money, cars and the cloths. He makes it seem like you are successful only if you have those things, and an ample amount of each. Kids today are all about being rich. And now, they think when they have these things, they will finally be successful. It's just all about appealing to us or else, your music won't make any money.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hungry for Attention

Is Richard alone in his hunger for attention? Little Richard has had a very harsh life even though he is only now six years old. His mother constantly beats. his father has left the family on their own for another woman. Therefore, Richard has had to step up and do things a lot faster than most children. Often times, he acts out and does things to get attention. Because his mother does not really give him attention at home, he is so open to other individuals and trusts so many other people thinking they will show him some attention.
Richard is not the only one who hungers for attention or anything for that matter. His mother also hungers for help, a job and maybe some attention for the situation that she is; her husband has left and her job does not make enough to feed the family. She tries very hard to support Richard and his brother but eventually she just cannot and sends them to an orphanage where she knows they will be taken care of. At one point, she takes the father to court but the court believes him when he says he is doing all he can to support his family. Later on she asks him for money flat out but he refuses to give her anything.
Ultimately, his mother hungers for attention meaning she won't pay any attention to Richard. When she doesn't pay attention to him, he then has to act out to get attention from other people.